Join The 4th Annual March for Choice.

Festival of Choice 2015

MArch for choice

Ireland has one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world; women are denied access to free, legal and safe abortion.

According to Ireland’s Abortion Law:

  1. Abortion is only allowed if you are in danger of dying.
  2. Breaking Ireland’s abortion law could get you 14 years in jail or a €4,000 fine.
  3. A woman must carry to full term a foetus that won’t live.
  4. Equal right to life. Not equal in practice.
  5. Ireland is happy for you to have an abortion -as long as it’s not in Ireland.
  6. Each year, about 4,000 women and girls leave Ireland to have an abortion in the UK.

Show your solidarity with Irish’s women next Saturday at 12pm in Parliament Square and march for the International Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion.

Read more in the Amnesty’s blog post here.

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